Types of Betta Fish: Which is the Perfect One for You?

Betta Fish types

Types of Betta Fish: Which is the Perfect One for You?

Types of Betta Fish: Which is the Perfect One for You?

Betta fish are one of the most popular freshwater fish. People seem to gravitate toward them due to their different colors and shapes.

This stunning breed of fish is classified by many variations such as colors, patterns, and tail type.

Lot of newcomers tend to be turned off by behaviors that can be described as aggressive. However if they live in an environment where they are properly fed and cared for, you won’t face any problems.

In this article we will try to talk about all of the different variations, to help you find the best fish for you.


  1. Types of Betta Fish
  2. Tail Types
  3. Colors
  4. Patterns
  5. Summary

Types of Betta Fish

Betta fish, also named “ Siamese fighting fish “ is a colorful small fish that has striking personalities , which makes it a go-to for beginner aquarists.

Over the years crossbreeding has created the most beautiful  -colorations and tail variations . That made aquarist attracted to them, plus they don’t need high maintenance and their physiology and behavior are absolutely attractive and amazing.

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In the addition to their ability to create bubble nests. This fish can also recognize their owners, Betta fish breathe air using an organ called the labyrinth organ because their gills are unable to always get enough oxygen from the surrounding waters.

Betta fish are usually classified by looking at the shape of their tails, their patterns, and finally colors.

Tails can vary, from long and flowing to short and neat. Body patterns can also have lots of variation, from multi-colored patterns to single body patterns.

However, their color is the most striking characteristic. Betta fish have been bred in all the colors.

Combining different tail shapes, colors, and patterns, gives birth to hundreds of different Betta types and every fish is exceptionally different .

Tail Types

The tail is considered as the most tempting characteristics of all the different betta variations.

Your betta fish will often be classified using metrics such as the shape and the size of the tail. From short and spiky to large and majestic, you will come across all kinds of tail variations full of strong colors.

You can visualize the tail shape using their different names such as veiltail , crowntail, and halfmoon.

There are many types and coloration you just have to find the one you prefer the most.

Crowntail Betta

The crowntail betta is considered one of the most famous freshwater fish. This type is relatively young, first bred by Ahmad Yusuf in Indonesia in 1998.

The fins of this species are characterized by a long spiky crown appearance, but, if the webbing reaches more than 2/3 up the tail then it won’t classified in the same type – the Combtail Betta. The males differ from the females by having striking colors with long tails and fins. When the female has lighter colors with a shorter tail.

Veiltail Betta

is another very popular variation of the tail type which is widely available .The male of this variation has a long, flowing downwards swooping tail. It can be found in different color variations and the overall appearance is stunning.

This dominant tail type is considered to be the easiest to breed due to the fact that is a dominant tail type over other variations.

On the other hand the female does not have any of the remarkable characteristics of the male except for the bright colors. Females usually have lighter colorations and short fins and tails.

Plakat Betta

plakat bettas with their short and round tails are the exception to the rule. Their fins are also quite short in comparison to other variations. Still, the male wears striking colors.

This betta type is considered the traditional form that would have been found in the wild.

The name Plakat was derived from the Thai, where the word “plakad” means the fighting fish. Therefore if you are interested in breeding for fighting the Betta Plakat should be your destination.

Halfmoon Betta

This fish’s large tail with a half circle shape similar to the shape of a half-moon.

This type can’t be found in the wild because they are strictly bred in captivity,

Halfmoon Bettas are usually bred among experts for exhibition during Betta shows. They were first bred in the 1980s, but later on they become internationally famous after reaching Europe.

These fish have some aggressive behavior that can be a quite challenging, and hard to breed.

Double Tail Betta

The Double Tail has two distinct tails separated from the base that makes it easily recognizable. Usually, this variation has a larger and longer dorsal fin with a shorter body.

This gene is common in any Betta, of any tail shape and size.

This means that double tail characteristics such as dorsal fins with more rays than normal are shown in single tail Bettas. Which give them a richer appearance

Elephant Ear Betta/Dumbo Betta

This is a very unique fish that can’t categorized using metrics like the tail or the color. Instead, its unique feature is the pectoral fins.

Elephant Ear Bettas or more commonly Dumbo Bettas, have a different shape with brilliant striking colorations and their fins are quite funny.

The name was inspired from the two pectoral fins that resemble the ears of an elephant.

They are found in the wild exhibiting more dull coloration like dark green, brown, and grey. Among the aquarium trade, more striking colors are found such as bright blue, turquoise, red and yellow.

Delta Tail Betta

The Delta Tail Betta has a larger tail than the other. It was named after the Greek letter d because the tail resembles looks like delta (∆). Due The tail shape that stars to narrow towards the body and it widens toward the edges the same way as the triangular shape of the Greek letter.

There is also another variation called “the Super Delta”. But this variation almost reaches 180 degrees.1

A normal delta usually have a smaller tail spread. The tail edges are uniform without any combing or crowing.

Rosetail Betta

The Rosetail Betta is a variation of the half-moon with a total spread of the caudal fin that reaches more than 180°.

The rays of the tail on this variation are particularly branchy, which gives a beautiful appearance to the fish and makes its caudal fin looking like a rose.

In case if the tail becoming particularly branchy with a very ruffled look then it named a Feathertail.

Other Tail Types

More tail types include the Combtail Betta, Round Tail, Spade Tail, Over-Halfmoon, Super Delta, Half-Sun, and Feathertail.

  • Combtail Bettas are similar to Crowntails. With the difference being the length of the webbing and the rays. Where combtails have webbing that reaches more than 2/3 of the way up the tail.
  • Roundtail Bettas are similar to Deltas but differ in the shape of the tail edges. Roundtails have fully rounded tail edges.
  • The name “Spade tails” was taken from the spade of a deck of cards due to the shape of the tail that resembles perfectly this round and pointy shape.
  • The Over Halfmoon is a similar version of a Half Moon but more extreme. Where The spread of the tail might reach more than 180° around the body.
  • The Half-Sun is a result of selectively breeding Half Moons and Crowntails. Reaching over 180° around the body, with tail and fins that have a slightly crowning among rays and webbing.


Some of Betta Fish have a uniform color, but usually others be a mix of lots of different colors.

They can embody most colors of the rainbow, they might be black, white, electric blue, translucent skin, copper, green and more.

Blue Betta Fish

Choosing a blue betta fish might be a quite challenging process, due to the existence of many different shades of blue around

The most common ones are Steel Blue (almost grayish which gives the fish a cold coloration) and the Royal Blue Betta, which is a coloration that’s full of energy and life showing an iridescent bright blue.

Black Orchid Betta

The black orchid betta fish variation looks dark overall. Occasionally you might come across purple or blue highlights along its body.

This group is actually divided into three different types Black Lace, and Metallic, Melano.

The Black Metallic possesses iridescent scales that look like the color of translucent and copper.

Red Betta Fish

The Color Red dominant in Betta Fish.

It usually appears as a striking and full-bodied red color, and sometimes it might appear washed off too. In this case, you should watch their diet and water condition.

From Veiltail to Plakat, this color is the most common in almost every variations of Bettas.

In case if it doesn’t appear among the dominant colors, it shown as a highlight across the fins or the body of other colored fish.

Pink Betta Fish

Pink Betta fish can sometimes have an almost translucent appearance.

Usually, Transparent-looking Bettas get confused with the albino variation .because they have almost no coloring with the flesh shining between the skins.

On condition that the color pink is fuller, the fish end up having a flashy and rich pink color on the body and fins. But, it is not always this simple and although the overall color is pink, they will probably possess more color variations, such as red, purple and white along their tail, fins and body.

Rose Petal Betta

The Rose Petal Betta Fish is probably one of a its kind, their strange character makes them hard to be defined.

They can be found in the most color variations, mostly electric light blue with some color variations (usually copper, dark blue) and have a darker face.

They are a rare version of the Betta Fish.

Yellow Betta Fish

Yellow Betta Fish are also a very popular type. Generally, this fish has a full rich body yellow coloration that extends along the tail and fins

This variation can include different yellow shadings, from a tamed soft coloration to an extremely yellow coloration. It is also known as “non-red” because they exhibit similar characteristics but are yellow.

White Betta Fish

The White Betta Fish is bit plain compared to other color variations.

These types of Bettas are completely white. Although the coloration might appear a bit dull, in case you choose the right tail type, they are extremely stunning.

You can freely combine coloration and tail type on your own taste. Long flowing tails are majestic even if they are completely white.

Purple Betta Fish

True purple Betta Fish are hard difficult to find.

You can frequently find them in violets or purple-blueish with other color variations such as   black and copper. It’s often common that you find them with purple bodies .

They can embody all the tail types and color patterns. You just have to find the one that suits your taste the best!

Green Betta Fish

Full green Betta Fish are rare to find. They usually look turquoise.

The green is frequently hidden under a darker coloration. However, if you shine light against it you will be able to see an iridescent green tone.

Bright and dark green variations that can be seen by the naked eye do exist but are very rare and considered very valuable.

Mustard Gas Betta

Mustard Gas Betta Fish are an exceptional type. They are a bi-colored variation that exhibit distinct colorations between the fins and body.

The body is dark that usually vary from either blue or green. With fins that are either yellow or orange hence their name.

This variation is often called Chocolate by mistake due to the color of the fins that are quite similar. However, the chocolate variation possess a brown body.


The classification by pattern is the last way used to classify the different types of Betta Fish .

The ability to arrange different colors in different patterns on the body and fins of this fish makes it appreciated across the fishkeeping community.

Some of the color patterns have been the subject of selective breeding.

Dragon Scale Betta

This is a relatively new pattern is the result of selective breeding. Its bright metallic coloration makes it very popular.

The Dragon Scale Betta Fish fully embodies a strong color with different body scales similar to those of a lizard or a dragon.

The color of their base body is usually a rich color such as red with iridescent pale scales across the main body (usually copper in color).

Butterfly Betta

The Butterfly Betta is another common pattern and fairly distinguishing.

Usually, it has a solid body color that reaches the base of the tail and fins. it stops and gets replaced by a paler and glittering color. Generally the fins and tail are white or transparent.

Another variation of this pattern is to have the body of one color and then the inside of the fins and tail of another to then become white or transparent around the edges.

Marble Betta

Marble Bettas are another very popular variation with a very incredible color variation.
Their colors look mottled and irregular, often with a pale and light solid body color with rich reds and blues creating a pattern.

A pattern similar to marble or solid translucent coloration can appear on their fins.

Their ability to develop their coloration over time make them exceptional.

Their color can easily change from a week to another week. However, this ability slows down as they age .

Koi Betta

The koi betta is a variation of the Marble type, it’s a result of selective breeding. As the name mentions, this variation was created to look like the popular Koi pond fish.

This species can’t be found in the wild, it was carefully bred over the years by aquarium hobbyists in order to preserve some of the most amazing characteristics and features.


Due to their size this fish is easily kept in 5-gallon tanks.

Also named Siamese fighting fish, this small fish is considered very aggressive with the most striking tail variations, colors, and patterns

The selective breeding done by experts over the years has creates hundreds of betta fish types with the most stunning Tail variation, colors .

Normally all of these types have duller colors in nature, however when you will take a Betta to your aquarium it will show the most exciting and striking combination.

Have you ever kept a Betta Fish – what is your favorite variation? Leave a comment in the section below…

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