The 27 Most Colorful Freshwater Fish For Your Aquarium

The 27 Most Colorful Freshwater Fish For Your Aquarium

Since we became interested in the aquarium scene, we’ve been looking out for different kinds of colorful freshwater fish. There are so many stunning species out there!

But while having lot of options is definitely a good thing, choosing a colorful freshwater fish can be quite challenging if you’re shopping around.

Just when you think you found your preference, you find another pretty fish that tempts you into rethinking your decision.

Then when you add in the level of difficulty and required care, it can get even more confusing.

That’s why we put together this list of our favorite colorful freshwater fish to facilitate the journey for you. It has a wide range of beautiful species, so there’s something for everyone!

1. Peacock Cichlid

We’re beginning our catalogue of colorful freshwater fish with the Peacock Cichlid. This species will stand out in any tank because they are absolutely gorgeous.

One of the things to be admired about this fish is the number of different kinds there are. This allows you to be flexible in choosing between a lot of different colors. Some are bright yellow, some are blue, and some come in a wide range of reds.

These fish originate from the massive Lake Malawi which is the ninth-largest lake in the world, and their color will vary based on where they live in the lake.

Unlike some other cichlids, taking care of peacock is pretty easy. We like to recommend them to aquarists who want a colorful fish without any headache.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 55-60 gallons
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Size: 4-6 inches

2. Jack Dempsey

The Jack Dempsey Fish is a beautiful species with a mix of very interesting patterns and colors.

The electric blue variant can quite challenging to find, so prepare yourself to do some hunting if you like that color. These kinds are also relatively smaller too.

The regular color variation has different stripes and bright turquoise spots on their sides, they can produce a glimmering effect under the right light. It’s common to see some red on the tips of their fins as well.

While these fish are definitely beautiful, there is a downside. They can get quite aggressive and will pick fights with about any fish that gets on their bad side. This is the main challenge you’ll have to face when it comes to their care.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 55+ gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive
  • Size: 10-15 inches

3. Electric Blue Acara

The striking and lively hues of the Electric Blue Acara make it one of our all-time favorite freshwater fish. The metallic blue will capture your complete attention as if by magic. 

The yellow ridge that runs along the top edge of their dorsal fin makes them neat .in addition to the little bit of yellow on their caudal fin. This color combination is absolutely stunning.

Their head is rich of blue and not as shiny as the rest of their body.

Another reason we have a liking for these fish is their level of required care and temperament.

Unlike some of the other fish on our list especially the cichlids, this species is rather tame. In case if you’re looking for a splash of color without any violence, check out the Electric Blue Acara.

  • Care Level: Beginner-Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 6-7 inches

4. Discus

When thinking of colorful freshwater fish, Discus fish are one of the first species that come to mind thanks to their well-earned reputation!

There are various types of Discus fish, each come in a variety of colors. You’ll see blues, bright greens, reds, and yellows splashed all across their body.

Depending on the kind of Discus fish, their colors can appear in a combination of dots, stripes, and patches. The “Checkerboard” variety, which displays a captivating pattern, is likely to be a favorite.

The shape of their bodies really helps showcase their unique colors. Their flat and long sides look like an art canvas!

Although Discus fish are peaceful, you may face a few challenges when it comes to their care. This species need very specific water parameters and a complex diet to thrive.

  • Care Level: Advanced
  • Tank Size: 50 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 8 inches

5. German Blue Ram

German Blue Ram possess one of the more unique patterns among freshwater fish. While many other species on our list display a lot of their patterns and coloration happening behind their head, the German Blue Ram showcases a vibrant pattern throughout its entire body.

The prominent feature of this fish is the long, dark streaks that run over their eye. Typically, they exhibit a splash of that same color on the front of their dorsal fin, along with a dot of it in the middle of their body as well.

This creates a kind of a “punk rock” appearance that we admire. Additionally the rear half of their bodies often display a ton of small spots that uniformly cover their body and fins (although this can slightly between specimens).

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2.5 inches

6. Endler’s Livebearer

Endler’s Livebearers are a beloved tiny fish that many aquarists love. While their ease of care is certainly a plus, the most compelling aspect of Endler’s Livebearers is undoubtedly their remarkable coloration.

This particular species can come in a number of different color variations. Including orange, blue, green, and red.

Their bodies are randomly scattered with these colors. You’ll see dark spots near long streaks, followed by patches of no color at all!

The combination of their tiny size and vibrant colors gives the impression of little specks of flying colors darting around the aquarium.

One of the best things about this fish is their ease of care. Even if you’re a beginner, Endler’s Livebearers make a challenge for you.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 1.5 inches

7. Paradise Fish

With a name like “Paradise”, it’s no surprise that this species boasts a dazzling array of colors. Their exceptional beauty is what makes them one of the most popular fish on our list.

The prevailing variety of Paradise fish features brilliant reds, oranges, and blues that harmonize beautifully in vertical stripes. Additionally, there is a readily available type with alternating blue and orange stripes.

The combo of their color and fins sets this species apart as one of the prettiest fish out there is. The long, flowing fins of the paradise fish trail behind them when they move.

The main difficulty in keeping these fish lies is their potentially aggressive nature. These fish are feisty which requires close attention to this if you keep them with other creatures.

  • Care Level: Beginner-Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive (situational)
  • Size: 2.5 inches

8. Gourami

After Cichlids and Bettas, Gouramis rank among the most popular, they are one of the most popular species on this list. Not only are they are incredibly unique, but they look great too.

Featuring bright colors and interesting patterns, these fish are eye-catching additions to any kind of freshwater aquarium. Their tendency to spend their time near the surface makes them a great choice for adding a splash of color without disrupting the overall visual balance.

While there are numerous species of Gourami, we have a handful of favorites.. Honey Gourami. Dwarf Gourami, Sparkling Gourami, , and Pearl Gourami are species we recommend to anyone.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 10-20 gallons minimum (species dependant)
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 1-5 inches

9. Killifish

Killifish are a fascinating species that certainly deserve to be on this list. Some of the color variations this fish has are stunning!

The combination of red spots on a bright blue body makes these fish effortlessly noticeable in any aquarium setting. There is a variation called the Clown Killifish as well, which has a blueish-green body with vertical white stripes and a vibrant tail with red horizontal stripes (that’s our favorite).

These fish make a good choice for aquarists of all skill levels due to their easygoing nature and flexible water parameters. While they can be sensitive to changes in their environment, maintaining a consistent habitat should pose no issues.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2 inches

10. Electric Yellow Lab

This species has several names in the aquarium community. The three most common are the Electric Yellow Cichlid, Electric Yellow Lab, and Yellow Lab Cichlid.

As the name implies, the dominant color of this fish is yellow. And to say it is dominant is putting it lightly. This vibrant yellow on their bodies is truly breathtaking, undoubtedly making them one of the most colorful freshwater fish.

On their ventral, dorsal, and anal fins you’ll notice some black that runs from one side to the other. The black and yellow combination is a classic that give them an impressive appearance.

These fish are semi-aggressive temperament, and therefore, it is crucial to house them with them with the right tank mates. However, they are relatively easy to care for, provided that their aquarium is properly set up to meet their needs.

  • Care Level: Beginner-Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 50 gallons
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Size: 4 inches

11. Betta Fish

It is highly probable that if you’re been interested in aquariums for longer than 5 minutes you’ve come across information about Betta fish. The reason for this is quite straightforward – the Betta fish is undoubtedly the most popular freshwater species out there, and that’s because they are absolutely beautiful.

Before we discuss this species further, it’s important to acknowledge that we’re primarily referring to the male bettas. While female Bettas have their own unique charm, males are notably more colorful.

The Betta fish showcases an extensive range of color variations, with the most common hues being red and blue. Their long and flowing fins, when combined with these vibrant colors, make for a breathtaking view in any aquarium.

Although these fish are often recommended for beginners, you will still have to put some work in as an owner. These fish require a specific range of water parameters and can exhibit aggressive behaviors.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 5-10 gallons minimum
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Size: 3 inches

12. Flowerhorn Cichlid

Flowerhorn Cichlids are truly captivating to look at even without considering their vibrant coloration. The nuchal hump which is a large lump on their head, adds to their distinctive appearance and makes them a standout addition to your tank.

These fish are available in a mix of colors, but the most common coloration a bright red-pink with white spots covering their body. In addition to these spots, they may also display black patches that extend laterally along their midline and occasionally on their nuchal hump.

Occasionally, Flowerhorn Cichlids may exhibit a coloration where white spots are more dominant than the red on their bodies. This is a highly desirable variation for some people, but it can be hard to find.

These fish are highly intelligent and have the capacity to form a very strong bond with their owners. Some owners have shared heartwarming videos online of them hand-feeding their Flower horn.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 70 gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive, very aggressive
  • Size: 12 inches (sometimes longer)

13. Cherry Barb

From our perspective, the Cherry Barb is a fish that is often overlooked despite its stunning coloration and beauty. While other, more well-known species tend to receive more attention, the Cherry Barb remains a charming and straightforward fish to care for.

They derive their name from the rich red that extends across their whole body. Although some specimens may have a lighter red shade, locating a dark red Cherry Barb is considered a rare and prized discovery.

The Cherry Barb makes an excellent choice for aquarists seeking low-maintenance fish that are easy and peaceful to care for .They are a model species for care requirements and are ideal for beginners. The fish’s exotic and tropical appearance makes them an attractive addiction to any aquarium

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 25-30 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2 inches

14. Zebra Danio

Unlike other species on our list, the coloration of this particular species is not as vivid; however, their pattern and subtle coloration still make them a unique.

Their name is derived from the dark horizontal stripes that run from their head to tail along their body. This creates an eye catching effect when they swim, particularly when they’re moving fast. The two primary base colorations are either faded yellow or dark blue.

These fish are very active and social. This species do best in groups, making them ideal as shoaling fish, if you want them to thrive, it is recommended to keep a small group of them in your aquarium. Watching a group of these fish darting around the tank can be quite entertaining.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 10-15 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2 inches

15. Oscar Fish

Without a doubt, Oscar Fish is a notable addition to our list of colorful freshwater fish. As they display a striking orange and black color combo that looks spectacular. Their bodies are predominantly black, adorned with solid orange dots and patches that stretch across their body, creating a beautiful contrast of colors.

Under the right lighting, this can appear somewhat intimidating. That’s especially the case when you learn about their potential to be aggressive towards other fish, which is something to consider when selecting tankmates for them.

These fish are known got being tough and not having no hesitation when it comes to attacking other fish that rub them the wrong way. However, this behavior is more likely to happen if they are kept in an inadequate tank. By following the recommended care instructions they can be far more manageable.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 55 gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive
  • Size: 10-12 inches long

16. Fancy Guppies

Fancy Guppies are a stunning fish species that have been growing in popularity lately. Although these fish have long been a common aquarium staple, there seems to be a spike in interest.

The shape of these fish can be described as stretched out Bettas. They have a thinner and longer body but have a large fan-like caudal fun that flows a bit when they move.

This fish can be found in a variety of colors and patterns. Our favorite

There are a variety of colors and patterns you can get these fish in. with the Dumbo Ear being our favorite due to of the red tiger pattern on the tail.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 5-10 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2 inches

17. Duboisi Cichlid

This particular cichlid is often overlooked. One of the most interesting features of this species is their ability to change colors as they age.

When these fish are young, their bodies are black and adorned with bright dots that resemble stars in the night sky! As they mature, these spots begin to fade away and a broad yellow stripe emerges about one-third of the way from their head, which later turns blue

This interesting transformation often leads a lot of aquarists to think they’re dealing with two different species as they see pictures. The difference is quite drastic!

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 50 gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive
  • Size: 4-5 inches

18. Green Terror Cichlid

This is definitely one of the most colorful freshwater fish that can be found out there. While sharing several pattern similarities with the Oscar Fish, this particular species exhibits even more vivid hues.

The name “Green Terror Cichlids” can be intimidating to many aquarists. While they definitely have aggressive tendencies you need to deal with, they’re a generally more approachable and can be kept in captivity without much difficulty most people think.

It’s essential to understand their baseline care requirements to ensure they thrive in their environment. Neglecting to do so can result in various complications and challenges down the road.

  • Care Level: Intermediate-Expert
  • Tank Size: 50 gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive
  • Size: 8 inches

19. Harlequin Rasboras

One of the things we admire about this species is how clean and simple their aesthetic is. While a lot of the other fish on our list grab your attention with bright and outlandish colors, the Harlequin Rasbora is a bit more understated.

The pleasing orange-pink base color of Harlequin Rasboras gives them an attractive appearance in your tank without being over the top. The distinct black patch on their posterior half creates an eye-catching contrast due to its sharp angles.

Additionally, this species is low-maintenance, which is certainly advantageous .As a result we frequently find ourselves recommending this species to other aquarists all the time!

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2 inches

20. Celestial Pearl Danio

We’ve always had a soft spot for the Celestial Pearl Danio fish, and we know several other aquarists who feel the same way. These vivid freshwater not only bring delight to the eyes but also offer a sense of gratification to those who care for them.

Their serene and tranquil nature is quite endearing. This species are not mischievous and prefer to move about the aquarium without creating any disturbance in their environment

With attractive red accents and white spots on their fins, it’s not hard to figure out the origin of the name of these fish. The celestial pattern is almost hypnotizing to watch.

Thanks to their fairly hardy nature, ownership shouldn’t be a hard challenge. These fish facilitate things for you and are definitely a good choice if you’re searching for something low-maintenance.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: One inch

21. Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra has been a classic and popular fish species in the fishkeeping community for ages. They’re easy to take care for and add a vibrant splash of color to whatever freshwater tank you keep them in.

As schooling fish, it is recommended to purchase a minimum of 10-15 to ensure the Neon or Green nein tetras thrive in your freshwater tank.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist setting up their first tank, this species won’t be a challenge. They’re peaceful and hardy, so as long as you put together a good habitat they’ll be just fine.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 1.5 inches

22. Jewel Cichlid

The Jewel Cichlid is a stunning fish that many aquarium hobbyists like. Their bright and shiny colors create a mesmerizing effect as they swim (it’s really fun to look at).

Although there are various Jewel Cichlid variations available, the most commonly seen one is the bright red variant with evenly distributed white spots on its body and fins. Typically, these fish have two large dark spots of similar size to their eyes on each side.

One factor to consider when thinking about getting a jewel cichlid is their aggressiveness. These fish can be quite feisty and may happily pick a fish with just about any other species they encounter.

In order to avoid any issues with their aggressive nature, it is important to keep them in the right habitat and avoid keeping them in community tanks.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 30-40 gallons
  • Temperament: Aggressive 
  • Size: 6 inches

23. Bluefin Notho

The Bluefin Notho is a killifish species that stands out and deserves special recognition on this list. In fact, they are possibly one of the most stunning and vibrant freshwater fish out there!

They have a stunning appearance, starting with a bright orange body adorned with light blue spots that become more vibrant as you move towards the tail. As the orange fades, the blue spots intensify in color, resulting in a mesmerizing display.

Our favorite visual characteristic of this fish is its fins. The blue and black pattern is unbelievable, and their caudal fin has a bright orange ridge that stands out a mile away.

By combining their stunning appearance with their low-maintenance requirements, it’s definitely a fish worth considering for any freshwater aquarium.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 10-15 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2-2.5 inches

24. Boeseman’s Rainbowfish

While the color pattern of this species is simpler compared to some of the other fish on our list, it is still visually appealing. In fact there’s something about this clean look that we find really attractive.

The coloration of this species is relatively straightforward compared to some of the other fish on our list, but it is still quite attractive.

These fish are quite active, which makes them very entertaining to observe during the day. They tend to be inquisitive about everything happening in the aquarium and rarely take breaks.

  • Care Level: Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 3-4 inches

25. Cardinal Tetra

To the untrained eye, the Cardinal Tetra appears similar to the common Neon Tetra, with the blue and red hues being almost identical in shade and tone.

However, the key difference is that the red section on their underside. The red section on their underside of the Cardinal Tetra is far more noticeable and extends from underneath their eye all the way to their caudal fin, which means a school of these tropical fish will produce a primarily red effect as they swim around. It’s a lot of fun to watch.

  • Care Level: Beginner
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 2 inches

26. Clown Loach

When thinking about colorful freshwater fish, loaches don’t usually come to mind. On the other hand, the Clown Loach is totally different.

This popular species has one of the most aesthetically appealing patterns. The combination of orange bodies and thick black bands produces an incredibly stunning appearance without being overly conspicuous.

These fish can grow up to a foot in length. Making a large aquarium necessary if you intend to keep them. Moreover, they require some particular water conditions in order to thrive, so we don’t recommend them to beginners.

  • Care Level: Intermediate-Expert
  • Tank Size: 100 gallons
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Size: 12 inches

27. Apistogramma

Last but not least is the Apistogramma also named Dwarf Cichlids, these are one of our favorite species and we’ve admired for years.

There is variety of types, each with its own gorgeous color palette that can’t be fully mentioned. The possible combinations include vivid hues of orange, blue, teal, yellow, and many more!

Additionally, these fish feature very flashy fins that add to their aesthetic appeal. As a result, observing them in an aquarium is enjoyable, as there is constant flicker of color.

  • Care Level: Beginner-Intermediate
  • Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive
  • Size: 3 inches max

Time To Hit The Store!

We hope you found this list of colorful freshwater fish to be enjoyable. We’ve had hands-on experience with all the species on this list, and highly recommend them to anyone interested in fishkeeping.

Whether you’re an experienced aquarist or a beginner, there should be a fish on this list that matches your taste.

We believe that fishkeeping should be approachable to everyone, and even beginning owners should have the opportunity to take care of a beautiful and vibrant tank.

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